Volvemos a conseguir la acreditación Eaquals
O’clock idiomas fue auditada en noviembre de 2018 y demostró el cumplimiento de los altos estándares exigidos para la obtención de la acreditación Eaquals.
La metodología de enseñanza, las programaciones lectivas y organización de los cursos, así como los recursos educativos del centro y el sistema de evaluación fueron calificados como excelentes. O’clock demostró su compromiso con la atención al cliente, el bienestar del alumno y el de su personal.
Los auditores Eaquals identificaron y destacaron los siguientes puntos de excelencia:
Management and Administration
Management and Administration is an area of excellence because the institution’s mission is clearly communicated and is reflected in the decision-making and activities found throughout the institution from the delivery of services to the constant improvement of the offer. The institution has achieved, and continues to achieve, its objectives that are in line with its mission statement in part due to the strong leadership and management. There is clear evidence of a strong strategic awareness and determination to continue to expand and invest despite a difficult local market situation.
Course Design and Supporting Systems
Course Design and Supporting Systems are excellent due to the clarity with which the courses are related to the CEFR global descriptors, the consistent use of learning objectives throughout documentation and lessons and the systems for ensuring this is not only communicated but understood by the learner before and during courses.
Assessment and Certification
Assessment and Certification is a point of excellence because information on public examinations, relevant advice and support given to learners is exceptional and a level of detail and individual care for the learner is outstanding.
Academic Resources
The academic resources are excellent because the institution has an outstandingly good range of very well-maintained and modern resources and equipment, wherever it teaches, including large interactive whiteboards, laptops etc. There is a comprehensive system for monitoring and maintaining well organised learning materials that are produced in-house.
Learning Environment
All the learning environments both in the schill and off-site are exceptionally attractive comfortable and well-maintained. The quality of display and decoration of the institution if up-to-date and contributes to a stimulating learning environment.
Client Services
The range, quality and accessibility of information available to learners and their parents is excellent, and the level of individual attention to the learner and the accessibility of staff for personalised advice and support is exceptional. The institution provides excellent additional social and educational activities.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is an area of excellence as there is a comprehensive range of systems to support a culture of continuous evaluation, reflection and action. Within the staff there is an exceptionally clear understanding and commitment to the aims of the organization to continuously improve.
Staff Employment Terms
Staff Employment Terms is an area of excellence because there is a very high proportion of teaching staff who are permanently employed and this brings great stability in teaching staff that works both for the institution and those who work for it.
Internal Communications
Internal communications are excellent because there is a very high level of regular, scheduled communication and consultation with staff that allows for excellent staff engagement in the organizational objectives. Information about the history, mission and values are not only exceptionally well- documented and communicated, they are also reflected very positively in the engagement staff had with the process of creating the new motto.
External Communications
This area is excellent publicity materials are of exceptionally high quality and well-designed and they are regularly reviewed. The website and public information produced for the clients gives exceptionally detailed, clear and consistent information and advice about the school and its offer. The new application not only provides another channel for all information to be accessible on a secure mobile application but also provides for interactive and two-way communication between the client and organization that is exceptional.